Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How to Grow African American Hair - Fast Hair Growth Tips

African Americans often have curly and kinky hair. But to keep up with the trend, most women of this race have straightened their hair through various methods. Some have chemical relaxed their hair while the others choose to use the hot hair tools such as the iron and blow dryer. Unfortunately, the use of harsh chemicals and intense heat for the hair only results in dry hair prone to split ends.

Now the question is how then can these African American women grow their hair longer in a healthier fashion? Hair experts point to keeping the moisture of the hair to more than 15 percent. Normally, a person's hair moisture is from eight to 10 percent. But when a woman frequently uses hair styling tools that utilize high heat such as the blow dryers as well as the flat and curling irons, the tendency is for the hair to become dry and brittle. This then lowers the hair's moisture content to even below the normal eight percent.

There are several simple techniques that African American women can follow to attain longer hair faster. The key is to be consistent in practicing these methods to achieve the desired hair length.

Natural products. One of the most important tip is to stay away from products that contain harsh chemicals. In other words, go natural. You can start by developing the habit of always reading the label of the hair products you purchase. What you should aim to get are those that use natural oils to keep your African American hair moisturized up to the ends.

You must understand that the hair, just like the body, needs vitamins for nourishment. So what you should do is look for nutrients such as essential fatty acids, Omega 3, Omega 6 and natural oils such as olive, safflower oil, jojoba, sunflower oil and wheat germ.

Eat right. To supplement the natural hair products you use, make sure you also eat the right diet especially one rich in the essential fatty acids. To benefit from these fatty acids, opt for the polyunsaturated ones such as the linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. These two are part of the Omega 6 family. They can be found in vegetables notably the green leafy ones, nuts, grains, fruits and seeds.

Moisturize often. Practice shampooing and conditioning your hair often using the natural hair products. If you can do it every day, so much the better but please don't wash your hair just once a month. After rinsing, use an additional hair lotion.

Treat with hot oil. You can do this at home to save time and money. As always, go natural. Try mixing olive oil and safflower oil and heat it in the microwave oven for about 10 to 15 minutes. When warm, apply this on your scalp.

Be gentle. Treat your hair with gentleness as often as you can. It's your crowning glory after all. So make it a point to follow the first steps on a regular basis and for sure, you're on your way to having a healthy and faster growing African American hair.

Learn more about How to Grow African American Hair by downloading our step by step guide to growing long black hair. Visit:

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